I was forced to pull it out with pliers and I'm pretty sure it broke the tablet's socket. This morning I went to use it and the plug of charging cord wouldn't come out. Last night I plugged it i to charge it like I've done dozens of times. I have DUODUOGO 10.1 tablet that is 12-14 months old and I ‘ve never had a thing wrong with it. Please comment if you have any concerns with this comment since I don't want to give anyone any bad info. I'm assuming you want to fix the port and not jerry-rig it - a model number/name would help OP.

Also I have customers always ask me this and I understand but not every port is the same, I wish I could carry hundreds of a single port and it'd be the right one for every device but again check the model. There are tricks to do it quickly and efficiently (ish). Yes, this should sound like you gotta go through ~some~ trouble and if you don't work or live somewhere with these things available, it'll probably cost some money to get those things, and although anyone can learn to do this, I wouldn't recommend trying it on something you want to keep the first time you do, if you've soldered bigger things before, its a little different and each contact needs to not have solder touch the other ones. (it'd be nice to have an ESD mat too, just avoid building up static, you can touch a metal surface before touching the tablet, and if you can avoid working while standing on carpet. But make sure you have flux, a soldering iron, people have their own preferences on what solder to use (but there are a couple forums on iFixit about that exact question), low melt solder, a magnifying lens, and a steady grip.
Whats name of slot cell phone charger plugs into how to#
I'm not going into how to solder because I'm sure the information is out there, however if that's what someone wants I suppose I can. ^^^And that's the answer - below is irrelevant unless you want to. If not, please just be careful and if you haven't soldered anything before it might be best to not attempt it and visit someone who will repair it and warranty their work. Size, shape, color, carrier, model number, etc)

Also I have to say this - make sure you're not just buying the whole board (unless you want to) and match everything you can. Yes most of those types have other parts on them so you'll probably want to have a warranty of some sort. If you need to see an example what I mean you can Google search a Galaxy S5 Charge Port with flex ("ible cable"), or look at how the Nexus 7 (2013) looks. if it is it'd be easy to just buy ~that~ part and replace it (yes I realize it doesn't sound cool and there are so many theoretical complications but I trust your judgement and think you'll do fine as long as you try your best!) but seriously don't get the wrong part and break it - please. You might notice the port is connected to a smaller logic board Look at everything and if you notice anything that looks weird you should post back here so we can get the right help for you and anyone else having issues.

Please open your tablet first (please disconnect the battery before disconnected anything and try not to use metal tools on the contacts!) I'm gonna keep this in simple English, avoid tech lingo (cause we're here to learn - not make a point), and I realize a lot of you had good/correct ideas but I feel like I didn't get an answer to OPs question because there were so many.